Thursday, April 29, 2010

Does gender have any difference when it comes to employment?

Yes, it does.
Gender has many dimensions that impacts on employment, specifically when it comes to females. This justify differential treatment of males and females in the workplace where indicated.
Then again women have reproductive roles that requires a degree of sensitivity in the employment relationship whereas males are sometimes in the same boat. So, it depends on the circumstances of the specific employee to determine the specific gender implications for the workplace.
My outlook is that males should get up, most women are multi skilled as a result of their reproductive role that requires them to multi task and as such the worth of the female employee will soon be rated much higher than that of males.

1 comment:

  1. ... i love you- & yes... it certainly makes a difference ... increasingly technlogy makes it easy and possible to work mostly from home- why arent we doing that? drilling up & down like soldiers during the dreaded peak hours. Women are known for being resourceful amongst many postive qualities to bring to any workplace... and of course we can whip their ass!!
